Past Postings

Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.


...Now if, when provoked by injury, he has begun to follow up his assailant with violence, he is overcome. But if he shall have repressed that emotion by reasoning, he altogether has command over himself: he is able to rule himself. And this restraining of oneself is rightly named patience, which single virtue is opposed to all vices and affections. This recalls the disturbed and wavering mind to its tranquillity; this mitigates, this restores a man to himself. Therefore, since it is impossible and useless to resist nature, so that we are not excited at all; before, however, the emotion bursts forth to the infliction of injury, as far as is possible let it be calmed in time. God has enjoined us not to let the sun go down upon our wrath, [Ephesians 4:26] lest he should depart as a witness of our madness. Finally, Marcus Tullius, in opposition to his own precept, concerning which I have lately spoken, gave the greatest praises to the forgetting of injuries. “I entertain hopes,” he says, “O Caesar, who art accustomed to forget nothing except injuries.” But if he thus acted-—a man most widely removed not only from heavenly, but also from public and civil justice-—how much more ought we to do this, who are, as it were, candidates for immortality?
~ Lactantius (c. 250–c. 325), Divine Institutes (Book VI, ch. 17)


I always like to hear both sides or the other side of the story (but then, that's just me.) If he was innocent, what would be the motive for framing him? Probably something like the Iago syndrome would be my guess.
["O.J. Simpson 1st TV Interview after Murder Trial - 1996"]

See also:
["OJ Simpson TV interview after the Double Murder Trial verdict" -- at 2 hours and 35+ minutes]


In light of O. J. Simpson's recent passing, one is reminded of the strange case of his wife and Ronald Goldman's murder. And there are a few things I strongly feel need to be said, albeit only briefly. At the outset, I of course and by no means know whether Simpson was guilty of the crimes or not. I am inclined to believe him innocent, but then I may be wrong. But whether guilty or not guilty, it strikes me as highly probable that a professional criminal spirit person, like the ghoulish magician, was speaking to him before (perhaps LONG before, as in many years) and after what happened, and it was this that gave Simpson such supreme confidence in knowing what to do and what to say following the murders. According to this theory, the magician, whom Simpson's unthinkingly trusted, could tell him what to do and what to say, and at the same time use the magician's amazing "magical" powers, legerdemain, skull-duggery (call it what you will) to help Simpson get out of whatever fix he happened to find himself. At the same time, it would not be out of character for the magician to make a fool of him also; as was ostensibly the case in the famous Ford Bronco chase, and some other subsequent untoward incidents that might be named. Such being made a fool of is the inevitable consequence of those who listen to criminal spirit persons.


...For if we all derive our origin from one man, whom God created, we are plainly of one blood; and therefore it must be considered the greatest wickedness to hate a man, even though guilty. On which account God has enjoined that enmities are never to be contracted by us, but that they are always to be removed, so that we soothe those who are our enemies, by reminding them of their relationship. Likewise, if we are all inspired and animated by one God, what else are we than brothers? And, indeed, the more closely united, because we are united in soul rather than in body. Accordingly Lucretius does not err when he says: “In short, we are all sprung from a heavenly seed; all have that same father.” Therefore they are to be accounted as savage beasts who injure man; who, in opposition to every law and right of human nature, plunder, torture, slay, and banish...
~ Lactantius (c. 250–c. 325), Divine Institutes (Book VI, ch. 10)



A: He may be almighty God to you, but to me he is nothing more than the equivalent of Jerry Bruckheimer, but a Jerry Bruckheimer from beyond the spirit realm. Meantime, you don't suppose that after 31+ years, you finally have come up with someone who can actually face me, now have you?

B: Oh, so it's that arrogant "Do you not know we will judge angels?" routine, is it? See here, if you don't sign up with us, you won't have a doctor.

A: Yes, but that's ok, because if we can get away from or keep you at a distance, we won't contract the disease in the first place.

B: Look, the fact of the matter is we need you to be dumber than us. We refuse to accept anything less than that.

A: I won't do it.

B: (addressing the crowd) So you can clearly see, everyone, with an attitude like this, why it is we need an entirely new form of government.

A: And you'll indeed get it , but only when the greater population rates no higher than an IQ of 75. Lying is one thing, after all, but murder is another.

B: But if you had your way, we couldn't even murder. So what real good then would mere lying be?


The first head of this law is, to know God Himself, to obey Him alone, to worship Him alone. For he cannot maintain the character of a man who is ignorant of God, the parent of his soul: which is the greatest impiety. For this ignorance causes him to serve other gods, and no greater crime than this can be committed. Hence there is now so easy a step to wickedness through ignorance of the truth and of the chief good; since God, from the knowledge of whom he shrinks, is Himself the fountain of goodness...

Therefore, that the body may be alive, and capable of sensation, both the knowledge of God is necessary, as it were the head, and all the virtues, as it were the body. Thus there will exist a perfect and living man; but, however, the whole substance is in the head; and although this cannot exist in the absence of all, it may exist in the absence of some. And it will be an imperfect and faulty animal, but yet it will be alive, as he who knows God and yet sins in some respect. For God pardons sins. And thus it is possible to live without some of the limbs, but it is by no means possible to live without a head. This is the reason why the philosophers, though they may be naturally good, yet have no knowledge and no intelligence. All their learning and virtue is without a head, because they are ignorant of God, who is the Head of virtue and knowledge; and he who is ignorant of Him, though he may see, is blind; though he may hear, is deaf; though he may speak, is dumb. But when he shall know the Creator and Parent of all things, then he will both see, and hear, and speak...

Therefore the sum and substance of everything is contained in the acknowledging and worship of God; all the hope and safety of man centres in this; this is the first step of wisdom, to know who is our true Father, and to worship Him alone with the piety which is due to Him, to obey Him, to yield ourselves to His service with the utmost devotedness: let our entire acting, and care, and attention, be laid out in gaining His favour.
~ Lactantius (c. 250–c. 325), Divine Institutes (Book VI, ch. 9)


For God, who created men to this warfare, desired that they should stand prepared in battle array, and with minds keenly intent should watch against the stratagems or open attacks of our single enemy, who, as is the practice of skilful and experienced generals, endeavours to ensnare us by various arts, directing his rage according to the nature and disposition of each. For he infuses into some insatiable avarice, that, being chained by their riches as by fetters, he may drive them from the way of truth...
~ Lactantius (c. 250–c. 325), Divine Institutes (Book VI, ch. 4)

