Past Postings

Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.


For us and in our relation to him (and though he pretend successfully to be God), the Devil is and can never be any greater than the world in which he inhabits. Humans, on the other had, can be far greater than this. When, that is, they are one with God; and we are one with God when we are faithful, devoted, and innocent -- and if not innocent, then honest, rational, patient, humble will do.


["Bing Crosby - It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas"]


Highly recommended by the Bearstone tribe. (Actually, you can't beat these two albums for superior background music when tasking or otherwise working at something. Some will naturally prefer the unadorned first of the pair, but the second is good also.)
["Nakai: Earth Spirit - (Native American Music)"]
["Billy Whitefox & Sacred Journey - Native American Flute and Drums Full"]


It is a curious fact that (more often than not) the perceived enemy of religion in pre-Christian times was not atheism, that was fairy uncommon and unconventional, but the worship of idols and statues. To us it seems fairly ludicrous that someone would deify a sculpture; unless and perhaps, that is, we factor in the possibility that such statues were used as motionless puppets of sorts by means of and through which criminal and manipulative spirit people might, using certain kinds of telepathy, communicate to the given worshipper. Be this as it may, it otherwise remains an extraordinary mystery how idols and statues could have had such a spell and hold on peoples religious minds; so much so that there is this remarkable tract at the end of the book of Baruch, ascribed to the prophet Jeremiah, that emphatically enjoins us -- do not believe in statues!

Baruch, chapter 6


["The Roaring 20's Yes, We Have No Bananas" -- The Charleston City All Stars]


“Erudition benefits greatly and hurts greatly him who possesses it; it helps him who is worthy, and injures him who utters readily every word, and before the whole people. It is necessary to know the measure of time. For this is the end of wisdom. And those who sing at the doors, even if they sing skillfully, are not reckoned wise, but have the reputation of folly.”
~ Anaxarchus of Abdera (c.380-c.320 B.C.) -- as quoted by Clement of Alexandria in the Stromata, Book 1, ch. 6.


XII. But, he says, who in ancient or modern times ever worshipped the Spirit? Who ever prayed to Him? Where is it written that we ought to worship Him, or to pray to Him, and whence have you derived this tenet of yours? We will give the more perfect reason hereafter, when we discuss the question of the unwritten; for the present it will suffice to say that it is the Spirit in Whom we worship, and in Whom we pray. For Scripture says, God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. And again, -- We know not what we should pray for as we ought; but the Spirit Itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered; and I will pray with the Spirit and I will pray with the understanding also; -- that is, in the mind and in the Spirit. Therefore to adore or to pray to the Spirit seems to me to be simply Himself offering prayer or adoration to Himself. And what godly or learned man would disapprove of this, because in fact the adoration of One is the adoration of the Three, because of the equality of honour and Deity between the Three? So I will not be frightened by the argument that all things are said to have been made by the Son; as if the Holy Spirit also were one of these things...
~ Gregory Nazianzen (c.330-c.390 A.D.), Fifth Theological Oration, Oration 31.

