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Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.


O.K., so after all this, what are we finding? What can be educed from facts? Namely and I think it fair to say that the more and to the degree an artist or artists are tied in or compromise themselves with crime (including organized crime), the more quality of their work -- whether in film and television, drama, music, visual arts, literature, or what have you -- diminishes correspondingly. Now based on the general quality of mass media culture in the last twenty years, what else can be concluded but that we are living in a period of one of the greatest crime waves in all of modern history?


The Real Blow-Up

"Bet it will fetch a bundle on Antiques Roadshow."

By means of their ties to crime they have the money and are granted the wherewithal; while any and all potential competition is ousted, persecuted or tortured for true non-conformity and not taking protection. Then, so positioned, they say this is celebrity, this is talent, this is sexy, this is success, etc. But it mostly and really isn't talent (at least not super great talent as claimed and assumed), etc., because they are cowards, frauds, hypocrites. At some point they are forced to come to realize this; as a result they will at last preach it is not what you did or can do -- it is who you are that matters or makes you a celebrity. And it is only to be expected that they are lead in this direction seeing how, in sum and largely, they can't actually do anything or that much of anything and what is touted as so much greatness is to an alarming degree merely a lot of hype, titillation, and manipulation. This is not to say that so and so could never have been truly talented or beautiful; rather it is to say they are or weren't because they had surrendered and sold out; and to demean themselves all the more, consider themselves clever for doing so.


"Though you carry the body, let the bird within you soar."

(I thought I had come across this saying in Ambrose -- and he I recollect was drawing on Augustine, but try as I might I can't seem to find where it came from. Oh well, regardless of who said it, you get the idea.)


(Someone posted this on Face Book recently, and thought I'd share here as well.)

["Dog versus Deer ORIGINAL" -- home-made video of a large back dog and a young deer paying together outside someone's house.]


["Never Say Goodbye" -- Bob Dylan studio version]


I had initially intended to post a YouTube link to this documentary on the Delfonics, but unfortunately it no longer is on YouTube. As a result the only other place I know of online where you can see "Unsung: The Delfonics" is at:


XI. And besides all this, there is the absolutely impossible and inadmissible, as that which we are now examining. For as we assert that it is impossible for God to be evil, or not to exist-for this would be indicative of weakness in God rather than of strength-or for the non-existent to exist, or for two and two to make both four and ten, so it is impossible and inconceivable that the Son should do anything that the Father does not. For all things that the Father has are the Son's; and on the other hand, all that belongs to the Son is the Father's. Nothing then is peculiar, because all things are in common. For Their Being itself is common and equal, even though the Son receive it from the Father. It is in respect of this that it is said I live by the Father; not as though His Life and Being were kept together by the Father, but because He has His Being from Him beyond all time, and beyond all cause. But how does He see the Father doing, and do likewise? Is it like those who copy pictures and letters, because they cannot attain the truth unless by looking at the original, and being led by the hand by it? But how shall Wisdom stand in need of a teacher, or be incapable of acting unless taught? And in what sense does the Father "Do" in the present or in the past? Did He make another world before this one, or is He going to make a world to come? And did the Son look at that and make this? Or will He look at the other, and make one like it? According to this argument there must be Four worlds, two made by the Father, and two by the Son. What an absurdity! He cleanses lepers, and delivers men from evil spirits, and diseases, and quickens the dead, and walks upon the sea, and does all His other works; but in what case, or when did the Father do these acts before Him? Is it not clear that the Father impressed the ideas of these same actions, and the Word brings them to pass, yet not in slavish or unskilful fashion, but with full knowledge and in a masterly way, or, to speak more properly, like the Father? For in this sense I understand the words that whatsoever is done by the Father, these things does the Son likewise; not, that is, because of the likeness of the things done, but in respect of the Authority. This might well also be the meaning of the passage which says that the Father works hitherto and the Son also; and not only so but it refers also to the government and preservation of the things which He has made; as is shown by the passage which says that He makes His Angels Spirits, and that the earth is founded upon its steadfastness (though once for all these things were fixed and made) and that the thunder is made firm and the wind created. Of all these things the Word was given once, but the Action is continuous even now.
~ Gregory Nazianzen (c.330-c.390 A.D.), Fourth Theological Oration, Oration 30.

