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Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.


["Baroque Trumpet & Organ; Henry Purcell & John Stanley; played by Edward Tarr, et al."]


Two more, and in this instance out of the way, viewing recommendations of late are Disney's "Babes in Toyland" (1961) starring "Annette," Tommy Sands, and Ray Bolger; based on the Victor Herbert musical, and the second is another movie rendering of J. M. Barrie's "The Admirable Crichton" in this case from 1957 starring Kenneth Moore and Sally Ann Howes. "Babes" is on DVD and or pay per view on YouTube, and "Crichton" you can see free on YouTube at

Both seem to start out as fairly predictable films, and granted you may want to fast forward on some parts, but actually, and also "in parts," they have a lot to recommend them and that surprises when you would have thought you wouldn't be surprised.


I Heard It in An Asylum

"You call that minding his own business?!"

"It's the torturer! The torturer! Oh, run for your lives. Run for your lives! Oh, why won't you run for your lives?"

"I hope for his sake it is only a case of craziness; since crazy is better than stupid."

"Oh, I wouldn't exactly say there was nothing going on. Why look-ee here, here's an interview on the BBC with Dustin Hoffman."

"You do these things, but you don't want to take responsibility for what you are doing. That shows you are insane."

"If I can convince them that Johnny Depp is credible, then it must follow that I am credible. Why you ask? Because I own Johnny Depp!"

"God hates me."

"Wait a minute, now wait a minute...come to think of it, you are causing too many problems."


How can someone be right who has little desire to be actually honest and truthful? So you see we didn't suffer these horrible and inhuman things because we thought he was from heaven. Far from it. Rather we suffered these things in order to help rescue animals and children put in danger of Satanic cruelty and evil, and all this because originally he wanted to make his good "buddy" a billionaire; in order that the latter could bully and push people around, feel sorry for himself; while pursuing the career of entertainment mogul and unrelenting advertising executive.


["Marianne Faithfull - As Tears Go By. 1964 HD Video + Stereo Sound"]


28. He stretched out His hands on the Cross, that He might embrace the ends of the world; for this Golgotha is the very centre of the earth. It is not my word, but it is a prophet who has said, You have wrought salvation in the midst of the earth. He stretched forth human hands, who by His spiritual hands had established the heaven; and they were fastened with nails, that His manhood, which here the sins of men, having been nailed to the tree, and having died, sin might die with it, and we might rise again in righteousness. For since by one man came death, by One Man came also life; by One Man, the Saviour, dying of His own accord: for remember what He said, I have power to lay down My life, and I have power to take it again [John 10:18].

33. These things the Saviour endured, and made peace through the Blood of His Cross, for things in heaven, and things in earth. [Colossians 1:20] For we were enemies of God through sin, and God had appointed the sinner to die. There must needs therefore have happened one of two things; either that God, in His truth, should destroy all men, or that in His loving-kindness He should cancel the sentence. But behold the wisdom of God; He preserved both the truth of His sentence, and the exercise of His loving-kindness. Christ took our sins in His body on the tree, that we by His death might die to sin, and live unto righteousness. [1 Peter 2:24] Of no small account was He who died for us; He was not a literal sheep; He was not a mere man; He was more than an Angel; He was God made man. The transgression of sinners was not so great as the righteousness of Him who died for them; the sin which we committed was not so great as the righteousness which He wrought who laid down His life for us—who laid it down when He pleased, and took it again when He pleased. And would you know that He laid not down His life by violence, nor yielded up the ghost against His will? He cried to the Father, saying, Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit [Luke 23:46]; I commend it, that I may take it again. And having said these things, He gave up the ghost [Matthew 27:50]; but not for any long time, for He quickly rose again from the dead.

34. The Sun was darkened, because of the Sun of Righteousness [Malachi 4:2]. Rocks were rent, because of the spiritual Rock. Tombs were opened, and the dead arose, because of Him who was free among the dead; He sent forth His prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water [Zechariah 9:11]. Be not then ashamed of the Crucified, but be also bold to say, He bears our sins, and endures grief for us, and with His stripes we are healed. [Isaiah 53:4-5] Let us not be unthankful to our Benefactor. And again; for the transgression of my people was He led to death; and I will give the wicked for His burial, and the rich for His death. Therefore Paul says plainly, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He has risen again the third day according to the Scriptures [1 Corinthians 15:3-4].
~ Cyril of Jerusalem (c.313–386), Catechetical Lecture, no. 13

