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Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.


Arriving at truth is like focusing a lense -- not too much this way, not too much that.


For this week's Lee's Legion/Continental Army series article, "New Jersey Rebels 1765-1776," see:


"I have the goods."

O.k. Let's see them.

"I don't have to show you them if I don't want to."


"I also have the winning argument."

Well, in that case, let's hear it -- and plainly. I love a good discussion.

"There will be no discusson."

You mean we will just have to take your word for it that your argument is correct?



Although we matter of fact take for granted the very ancient quality of the "Old" Testament, it may be as or more correct to view it as a kind of, and for its time, "New" Testament that collected and salvaged much of what was best in the Ancient Near Eastern, Indian, and Egyptian literatures and wisdom; and to that extent what we denominate the Old Testament might be described or explained in part as a then (for its time) "modern" synthesis of the much earlier texts of other civilizations; yet which compendium simultaneously created and manifested a personality, character, and spirit decidedly its own -- to then be itself later superceded in turn, at least as far as Christians believe, by the New Testament.


"[Chapter 68]
"After all that we have already said concerning Jesus, it would be a useless repetition for us to answer these words of Celsus: 'It is easy to convict them of worshipping not a god, not even demons, but a dead person.' Leaving, then, this objection for the reason assigned, let us pass on to what follows: 'In the first place, I would ask why we are not to serve demons? Is it not true that all things are ordered according to God's will, and that His providence governs all things? Is not everything which happens in the universe, whether it be the work of God, of angels, of other demons, or of heroes, regulated by the law of the Most High God? Have these not had assigned them various departments of which they were severally deemed worthy? Is it not just, therefore, that he who worships God should serve those also to whom God has assigned such power? Yet it is impossible, he says, for a man to serve many masters.' Observe here again how he settles at once a number of questions which require considerable research, and a profound acquaintance with what is most mysterious in the government of the universe. For we must inquire into the meaning of the statement, that 'all things are ordered according to God's will,' and ascertain whether sins are or are not included among the things which God orders. For if God's government extends to sins not only in men, but also in demons and in any other spiritual beings who are capable of sin, it is for those who speak in this manner to see how inconvenient is the expression that 'all things are ordered by the will of God.' For it follows from it that all sins and all their consequences are ordered by the will of God, which is a different thing from saying that they come to pass with God's permission. For if we take the word 'ordered' in its proper signification, and say that 'all the results of sin were ordered,' then it is evident that all things are ordered according to God's will, and that all, therefore, who do evil do not offend against His government. And the same distinction holds in regard to 'providence.' When we say that 'the providence of God regulates all things,' we utter a great truth if we attribute to that providence nothing but what is just and right. But if we ascribe to the providence of God all things whatsoever, however unjust they may be, then it is no longer true that the providence of God regulates all things, unless we refer directly to God's providence things which flow as results from His arrangements. Celsus maintains also, that 'whatever happens in the universe, whether it be the work of God, of angels, of other demons, or of heroes, is regulated by the law of the Most High God.' But this also is incorrect; for we cannot say that transgressors follow the law of God when they transgress; and Scripture declares that it is not only wicked men who are transgressors, but also wicked demons and wicked angels.

"[Chapter 69]
"And it is not we alone who speak of wicked demons, but almost all who acknowledge the existence of demons. Thus, then, it is not true that all observe the law of the Most High; for all who fall away from the divine law, whether through heedlessness, or through depravity and vice, or through ignorance of what is right, all such do not keep the law of God, but, to use a new phrase which we find in Scripture, 'the law of sin.' I say, then, that in the opinion of most of those who believe in the existence of demons, some of them are wicked; and these, instead of keeping the law of God, offend against it. But, according to our belief, it is true of all demons, that they were not demons originally, but they became so in departing from the true way; so that the name 'demons' is given to those beings who have fallen away from God. Accordingly, those who worship God must not serve demons. We may also learn the true nature of demons if we consider the practice of those who call upon them by charms to prevent certain things, or for many other purposes. For this is the method they adopt, in order by means of incantations and magical arts to invoke the demons, and induce them to further their wishes. Wherefore, the worship of all demons would be inconsistent in us who worship the Supreme God; and the service of demons is the service of so-called gods, for 'all the gods of the heathen are demons.' The same thing also appears from the fact that the dedication of the most famous of the so-called sacred places, whether temples or statues, was accompanied by curious magical incantations, which were performed by those who zealously served the demons with magical arts. Hence we are determined to avoid the worship of demons even as we would avoid death; and we hold that the worship, which is supposed among the Greeks to be rendered to gods at the altars, and images, and temples, is in reality offered to demons."
~ Origen (c.185–254), Against Celsus, Book 7, Chs. 68, 69.


In this life you are either:

A) Rational (to a greater or lesser degree) and fundamentally honest, and which in turn means you decide serious (if not all) questions on the basis of what is reasonable and honestly truthful; or

B) You receive and (directly or indirectly) derive your idea of higher authority from spirit people.

The first, A, is the way of life, peace, and health. The second, B, is quasi-life, unnatural strife, and sickness.

If this is so, one might ask, why do people opt for B?

1. Because spirit people simultaneously permit gross dishonesty, gross immorality, worldly riches, and Christian salvation (also known as "Amazing Grace"), i.e., they, in other words, permit you to have your cake and eat it as well.
2. Rejection of spirit people autocracy requires faith, courage, and certain and or various kinds of fighting qualities to combat them. Those who accept spirit people, rather than (fundamental) honesty and right reason, as higher authority, do so then typically out of childishness, cowardice, and or stupidity.
3. Because most given religions have spirit people acting as authority in portions of her scriptures, many irrationally assume this of itself proves that spirit people are credible, trustworthy, and should be accepted as authority; without in the least knowing or addressing the question of exactly who and what spirit people are.

Now some mistakenly like to think that there is a third way, namely if you are a nice guy or gal and mean well that is all that is sufficient and necessary, as such, to absolve yourself of grave error. While it is correct that ignorance can mitigate culpability, this is only true to the degree one is humble, materially poor, and in honest conscience innocent.

Although for years I have written on this subject, I cannot emphasize enough that by far the greatest evil and greatest cause or source of woe and unhappiness in life is spirit people acting as if they are or represent higher authority (in combination with regular persons accommodating them in this), and it is they who are chiefly to blame for the vast majority of life's worst problems. This is by no means to say that all spirit people are bad, but only those who place themselves above honesty and right reason as authorities.


For the latest Lee's Legion article, "Scenes from the Life of Goldsmith," see:


Hope you and others will join with me in extending a special thanks to "Ad Choices" for providing employment opportunity to the some of society's mentally disabled; in and by way of commonly seen advertisements like these.


And how could we be so sure Ben Ladin was actually the alleged master-mind? Counter-terrorist "experts" told us so. True, they made not be right, under the influence, or flat our lying. Yet the idea evidently is one of that if we surrender and given in to chaos, fear, and irrationality -- rather than courageously and steadfastlly adhere to honesty, right reason, and just impartiality -- "they" won't hurt us -- which attitude and policy, needless to add, neither reflects wisdom or sound leadership.

Meanwhile, back in the software/info-tainment "industry"...making the world safe for democracy takes on a whole (and not so) new look and meaning.

["Call of Duty Black Ops Taste of Escalation Trailer [HD]"]

