Past Postings

Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.


I won't say they were among my own most favorite, but in respect and tribute to those I once knew who absolutely just loved these bands (and musicians)...

["Anything Changes - The Cowsills"]

["Janis Joplin - Get it while you can" June 25, 1970 Janis Joplin in The Dick Cavett Show]

["The Who - Heaven & Hell (live 1970 - USA)" - The Who performing 'Heaven and Hell' live July 7th, 1970 - Tanglewood Music Shed , Massachusetts]
Dedicated to Pat Davis (...wherever he is.)

["Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused (London 1969)"]


"Now Steve and the magician will need a billion -- they, after all, had a poor childhood. As for the rest of you people, you're going to have to be tortured, raped, imprisoned, maimed, and or murdered...

Now wait just a minute...!

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry, but that's just how these things are."


You need God in the sense that more durable and lasting power, existence, and certitude consist in oneness and harmony, and these are possible only in and through God who, among other self-evident, reasonable, and intuitive definitions of Him, is supreme oneness and issupreme harmony. For how can there be greatest power (including greatest peace) without harmony and without oneness? And how can there be or you have higher oneness and greater harmony without God?


When we talk about art hoaxes, as in, say, the films of Dwaine Esper, O'Dale Ireland, Arthur Wontner, Phil Tucker, and whom we've made reference to on more than one occasion, it should be understood that we are talking about regular (flesh and blood) people being used by witchcraft spirit people and who are master forgers to create such works attributed to these bogus and fictitious artists and celebrities. It is the spirit people who have or control the film makers or artists, and which latter are used as tools and mechanical technicians to carry out the spirit person forger's wishes and design. The regular person used may have some amount of input and perhaps influence the tone of the counterfeit work. Otherwise everything is done under the guiding supervision and direction of the master forger.

Although my fondness for Washington Irving goes back to my early childhood, it was only recently that I learned about the purported work of one "John Quidor;" who ostensibly painted a number of early to mid 19th century paintings using some of Irving's famous works, such as "Dietrich Knickerbocker," "Rip Van Winkle" and "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" as sources for his pictorial subjects. (If you do a search with Google "Images" under Quidor's name you can see samples of his paintings.) At first I was delighted and marveled at the discovery only to shortly after start becoming suspicious as I had more time to examine them; such that now I am inclined on the side of dismissing these paintings as hoaxes and "John Quidor" himself a fabrication.

While I don't want to use the occasion of this present writing to explain why I think the Quidor pictures themselves are fakes, I would, however, give you a few pointers to assist you in identifying and spotting a witchcraft concocted counterfeit. Although I do not claim that I myself am and can never be deceived by a counterfeit, I have learned a thing or two in the course of encountering hoaxes and in dealing with witchcraft people, both regular and spirit persons, to at least speak something on the subject.

1. Witchcraft people, if not themselves somehow inherently given to murder, are under the spell and influence of the spirit of murder, including bitter hatred. Consequently, in a witchcraft hoax one invariably finds a proclivity to mock and denigrate people, say such as are portrayed in a film or painting; accompanied by a pronounced absence of real love and sincere affection toward people. Such witchcraft people can like someone, but more rather how one likes a sandwich; rather than liking someone in the ordinary sense of what that means.
2. Although sophisticated spirit people often know their history well (having usually and literally been there), anachronisms sometimes pop up to give the hoax away. In the case of the Quidor paintings, the style used has aspects of 20th illustrators, say from the 20's, 30's, or 40's; while the colors are sometimes such as one almost never sees in early to mid 19th century painting.
3. Witchcraft counterfeiters are typically given to the eccentric and outlandish to a degree that is often both sick and unnatural; at least such that an attentive, informed, and sensitive person can or will be able to recognize such tendencies; all the more so if they are acquainted with the spirit of the given historical period or genre being faked.
4. If you go to research an artistic piece that is a forgery, you are more than likely bound to find either an obvious lack of documentation, or else documentation that is itself suspicious, and this last may be perhaps a most useful clue in determining the authenticity of a given work.


["American Breed - I'm gonna make you mine"]

Later Note. For fun, I threw together another SRO page -- this time "Soul, Rockin' & Obscure" Psyches Out! at
A couple of these songs are actually quite haunting -- especially to hear them now. In any case, give a listen, and you are guaranteed a trip either way.


Ripped (out) from today's headlines: "The Demonist Baffles Modern Science!"


Imagine being fooled by a snake. Would make you feel kinda stupid, now wouldn't it? And if you suffered as a result (of being fooled), who could you blame but yourself for being so dumb?


Students must at some point come to and be given to understand that much learning and that is very valuable and important (including higher learning) is not infrequently like a blow to he head, and which one's pride must be disciplined and prepared to willingly suffer. Even so, and despite the zealous, indeed fanatical and religious, sentiments some guardedly harbor, it does not follow that every blow to the head is learning.


Test You Logic!

All people, animals, plants, and things must decay, be injured, and die or perhaps die.

Ergo et quod est demonstrandum, they (the Demonist, et al.) are the one's with authority over, supervising, and in all the most important respects in charge of such processes and events.

Later Note. Here, to illustrate my earlier point how scripture sometimes needs to be more closely scrutinized, it seems Hebs. 2:14-15 could surely stand some clarification and qualification.


If you don' feel up to praying to or pleasing God for your own sake (let's face it, sometimes we are ourselves too fed up with what goes on), then think of doing so for someone else's sake and whom you love.


If you don't believe there are infinite (or, for us mortals at least, nigh on infinite) good to better songs possible, then you don't think every star or galaxy could have at least one good song of its own.


["Slade - Run Runaway"]


"Millions for defense; not one cent for tribute!"

My own approach is this.

I suffered and put up with these criminal maniacs (as discussed in my "New Treatise" and "Narrative") solely for the sake and purpose of protecting and rescuing some animals. But for these cats I had adopted, I would and would have been able to get out of this truly hellish dilemma and predicament in which I have been subject to these past 18 years and more. Now often it has been implied and as much as intimated by some of these very same ghosts who've harassed me that I will be compensated for my trouble in the way of a heavenly reward, or something similar or along those lines. My attitude, in response, is to say I put up with them exclusively for the benefit and care of children and animals, and if these last are safe from the threat of satanic evil, such as these ghosts and their regular people henchmen represent, I could care less about living otherwise in the same universe with such literal fiends and monsters. But let these children and animals be safe, and I respectfully petition the Almighty to let me go to sleep, and in peace, forever and perpetually after I die* -- and you can keep all of the rest. Who cares! In short, life is otherwise not worth living if one has to share the same cosmos with Satan the Great, dumbbell the magician, and "steeven speelburg" (the trained, billion dollar canine belonging to the former two; who, or similar, they routinely send around to bark at me) -- but for the sake of safeguarding and rescuing the defenseless, helpless and innocent. Indeed, but for concern for the latter, I would as leave pray for my own death rather than endure, howsoever blessed and rich my personal circumstances otherwise, having anything to do with such continually pampered and indulged criminals being anywhere within a 1,000 miles of me.

* With God all things are possible.


True, there are circumstances when someone can judge, sentence, and punish your body even though they themselves are in the wrong, or even very much in the wrong. But as far someone judging whether you are actually right or wrong or not (or more in the right or more in the wrong or not), this can only be done if those judging are themselves in the right, or at least as much or more in the right than those being judged.


Would that more celebrity websites were less my career and more my work.


Just because his mind is very ancient doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good mind (or as good a mind as you are led to believe), and if you get ensnared and tied up in his dishonest and secretive way of thinking (while in the process abandoning right reason and basic humanity) because you are in awe of his miraculous powers and seemingly timeless existence, it's a mere matter of time before you end up in mental and emotional bondage to that mind, and at the exclusion of all others. (And that, I submit, is not freedom.)

